Here is a piece I wrote as a requirement for a course I took at school. I’m not defending anything, I’m merely pointing out the obvious.
Hope you like!
And just when you think it was done... how about KISS saving Christmas?
Happy KISSmas!
Something else worth noting, ESPECIALLY for those in the LA Area... the Revolver Golden Gods Awards, a new ceremony to honour hard rock and metal acts, will be taking place on April 7th at the Nokia Club in LA. Special guests include Killswitch, All That Remains, and (of course!) Megadeth!! check out the Megasite for more info... Tickets will run you between 31.50 and 71.50 + applicable charges and are available through Ticketmaster.
Stay tun'd!!
Here's Maiden's Brit Award speech:
More Motorhead dates have been announced over the past few weeks. Lemmy and the boys will be touring through South America before making their way back to Europe for the summer. Check the website for updated show dates! (They just keep on coming!)
Nightwish will be hitting the road soon, starting on March 11 at the Brixton Academy in London, and rumour has it that they will be doing some filming for a DVD at that show…. Speaking of Nightwish and DVD’s, the trailer for their ‘Made in Hong Kong’ DVD was made public earlier this month, and the release date for the DVD is set for March 11 of this year… if you don’t want to wait you could always pre-order it HERE
Great news for Sonata Arctica fans! Rehearsals for their new album started about two weeks ago according to Henka’s blog, in which he hints at a tour coming for the fall of 09, as well as the new album, beyond that not much has been said but check the band’s website for more details.
On a more personal note, I’d like to apologize to all of you for being absent for nearly a month, however it has been beyond my control. It all started with my sound card, and quickly spread around to the rest of the system (sounds like some decease) leading my computer to suffer (yes, suffer :P) a bad case of ‘idunowhatitwas’ and forced me to whipe clean my hard drive not once by twice so far. The problem is NOT a virus, (I’ve taken my sick pc to a few places to have it looked at) but due to the nature of symptoms I suspect it might be that the hardware is starting to kick the bucket bit by bit. For now I have moved Don’t Panic HQ to my laptop, and we’re going to play it by ear until I can either fix my desktop OR get a new machine… wish me luck!
Watch the movie HERE (Excellent!)
STRATOVARIUS IS BACK! Old news (kind of) however yesterday NEW DATES were announced on their website. The band has announced that they will be touring England, Scotland and Ireland to introduce the newest member Matias Kupiainen on guitars. Check the band’s website for dates and venues as the ‘tour’ will only be 5 days long (yes, five, 5, cinco!) and starts on May 15th in Wolverhampton, England.
if you're still trying to place Matias, HERE is an interesting read...oh, and of course, a nice vid too!
This film is going to be unreal! i had the chance to briefly talk with Sam Dunn when The Beast last set hooves in Toronto, on March 16th/08 and he was very excited about the prospect... I can't wait for this one.
Release date is set for April of this year, more info HERE
Thank you for tuning in and don't forget to tune in Wednesday night at 7 for monday's re-run!
*By the way, notice how Adrian and Dave are both using a Destroyer/Explorer kind of guitar, instead of the usual 'Special' Strats, or Adrian's SG and LesPaul(look up the story on that one!)
yeah... at first i was like "yeah kid, you hang out too much with dad" but then I saw THESE OTHER VIDEOS.
Ignoring the fact that his Strat looks like SRV's (havent found the specs to know if its a sig series)...the first thing that came to mind (especially after watching his live vids) is that this kid IS SRV back in the flesh... you tell me for the road! (this one is my all -time fav)
don't forget to tune in Monday night!