Just In Case...

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I prefer to keep things as apolitical as possible here at DPR, however this one is worth noting for many reasons. First off, I, as a Hispanic, stand in full support of our Brothers and Sisters from Arizona in their struggle against a law that embodies the ignorant fear of those who are afraid of the benefits immigration can bring to the already ailing American economy, let alone state and local markets as well as the unwillingness of the Federal government to effectively take a stand on immigration reform that would benefit both, newcomers and citizens.

Canadian Indie Rockers Stars have announced the cancellation of their shows in Tucson and Phoenix in wake of the passing of the now infamous Arizona immigration bill which gives near unlimited power to police to arrest people based solely on their ethnic background and how this might come into play regarding their migratory status in the state.

Stars frontman Torquil Campbell has stated:

"This specific law is the turning point in a growing sense of underlying racism — anger at there being a black president, anger at minorities beginning to become a part of the economic life in America. There are some scary forces in that country, and they are starting to be legitimized by the media, and it is important that right now, people start to take extremely strong stands against those people because this is what happened in Nazi Germany (…) This is exactly what happened, if we don't stop this shit right now, I really fear for North America in general, I think it's terrifying."

And rightly so.

Stars was scheduled to visit Tucson and Phoenix for an estimated crowd of about 500 in each city, and though their AZ boycott will have a considerable financial effect on the band’s finances, in my opinion is the right move to remind the local politicians of who put them in power and who can get them out of power.

How come no such laws are implemented to counteract the domestic problems of drug consumption and arm smuggling that is fuelling the drug trafficking problem that in turn caused this law into being?

For more check HERE
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